About Me
This is who I am and this is what I do
It's me - Jermaine
My name is Jermaine and I'm a certified mindset coach and consultant helping creatives free themselves from their limiting beliefs by identifying and overcoming them.
Before I started working for myself, I worked in the IT field for 20+ years. In the last 6 years I began creating content as a means of stimulating my creative mind outside of my work hours. It also had the additional benefit of meeting needs that weren't being fulfilled at my 9 to 5.
Attempting to work a full-time job and make a go of the content creation life was a challenge but one I was able to do with the skills I've gathered over the course of my career. In the corporate world, some companies are HUGE on training and developing soft skills because they know the value that is obtained from honing such skills. I am going to teach you those same skills but for your own benefit and goals. Aligning your mindset with your true self will not only be beneficial for your content creation career but for your entire life as well!Life as a Content Creator - So Many HATS
Creating content is not for the faint of heart! I want to open with that because if you're doing it, you know it to be true; those who are not think it's a cake walk.
Let's look at a snippet of a streamer's life: most think you sit down in front of a camera, talk or play a game for a few hours and call it day.
The real ones know the struggle of making sure your OBS is up to date, your "I'm live!" tweet is ready to go, you make sure to update all the games you plan on playing and triple check that all of your hardware is working correctly.
That's all before going live and I'm not even going to get into asset creation, production values, social media marketing and networking!
We as creators wear a lot of different. We need to make sure we are protecting our mental state and maintain a positive mindset to aide us in creating the content we are passionate about.